Synology restart plex media server
Synology restart plex media server

The first step is to login to your Synology NAS DiskStation Manager. Creating the Media Folders for Plex on a Synology NASīefore we begin the process of installing Plex, we should first create the folders on our Synology NAS that we will use to store media files. There is also a Youtube Video at the end of this article that will walk you through the installation.

synology restart plex media server

This article will guide you through creating folders on your Synology NAS, installing Docker from the Synology Package Center, running the Plex Docker Container and initial setup as well as accessing the application from other devices. Plex can be installed as a beta from the Synology Package Center, however for this article, we will be using Docker to create a cleaner, more isolated install using a highly maintained Docker container from the team. Installing Plex on a Synology Network Attached Storage (NAS) device is a great way to convert your NAS into a home media server. Diese kann den Medienserver auch nicht finden. To restart your Amazon Fire TV Stick, do the following: Go to Settings. Für den Samsung TV habe ich mir bereits unter SmartTV die PlexApp installiert. When you get the unavailable error on your plex media server:Whats up. Dort wird aber oben links im Fenster ein Kreisel gezeigt mit dem Hinweis: Server kann nicht gefunden werden.

synology restart plex media server

Plex is a media server that can be used to serve your stored photos, videos, and music to your devices. Ja, ein klick auf den Link in der App auf dem Paketzentrum, startet den Browser (Firefox). Basic Docker Run Command and Docker-Compose file for Plex.Installing Docker from the Synology Package Center.Creating the Media Folders for Plex on a Synology NAS.

Synology restart plex media server